Our Purpose

Svadhisthana - The Sacral Chakra

Wellness Lives Here

Chakra is a sanctuary for holistic wellness services & products. Our vision is to offer a place to help establish an emotional, spiritual and physical moat. We are in the process of curating our mix of practitioners offering holistic treatments and services to elevate our clients’ experience and sense of enlightenment.

Our practitioners are the backbone of Chakra and represent leading St. Louis-based holistic wellness experts by practice area. Chakra practitioners and services, including workshops and classes, will be expanding over time. We hope you will stay connected with the Chakra Community as we grow.

Established in India between 1500 B.C. and 500 B.C., the Chakras concept refers to a system of rainbow-colored vortexes that vibrate within and around our bodies at specific points. These energy points are centers of spiritual power in the human body and can be used to both draw in and expend energy. The concept of Chakras is ancient but is still as relevant today for thinking about the mind-body connection as it was thousands of years ago.

The Chakra System

  • The Root Chakra, Muladhara, is located at the base of the spine and grounds the self to the physical body through passion and structure. Stability, security and survival needs are all governed by the Root Chakra as well as our foundational pillars including finances, connection to family and place, and our relationship to our physical body in this earthly existence.

  • The Sacral Chakra, Svadhisthana, is located just below the navel area and links Spirit to physicality through creativity and procreation. Sexuality, emotion and inspiration reside within the Sacral Chakra, denoting it the energy powerhouse responsible for physical energy and vitality as paired with action and manifestation.

  • The Solar Plexus Chakra, Manipura, resides one hand-width above the navel just below the sternum. Manipura bridges the self and emotions through empathy and self-worth. The Solar Plexus is the house of our gut instinct, making it a manipulation center that creates our reality through will and action.

  • The Heart Chakra, Anahata, is located at the center of the sternum between the breastbone and the physical heart within the human body, coupling the self to emotion through compassion and acceptance. Anahata governs our emotional experience and therefore our emotional response, making it the first response to any energetic system. The Heart Chakra dictates how we feel and thus how we react to those feelings, but it should be noted that it is not the same as the physical heart.

  • The Throat Chakra, Vishuddha, resides between the clavicle bones near the throat and thyroid gland in the human body connecting the emotions to intellect . Vishuddha governs communication and self-expression, regulating one’s ability to share one’s heart and emotions with others in order to communicate ideas and to share one’s dreams. It is the epicenter and source of sound vibration.

  • The Third Eye, Anja, is located just above and between the eyebrows bridging intellect to Spirit. Anja is the ruler of mental response and psychic interpretation. The Third Eye houses the realms of imagination, intuition, psychic abilities and foresight. Mental focus and clarity are ruled by the Third Eye, making it an energetic powerhouse for healers, students and philosophers alike.

  • The Crown Chakra, Sahasrara, resides over the coronal suture on the top of the skull opening the gateway to the Higher Self and divinity. Sahasrara governs spiritual response, guiding us to connection with guides and higher beings. It is the entry point to the energetic system and the gateway through which we ascend when we meditate and send our consciousness into higher realms.

Visit Chakra

Wellness Lives Here!

4180 Manchester Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63110


Things to Know

  • We encourage clients booking a service or attending a workshop at Chakra to arrive at least 15 minutes early. This invites you to enjoy the space and prepare for your service. Our clients are welcome to our rich array of teas, seltzers and other amenities.

    We also recommend that you wear or bring comfortable clothing for your session/workshop; we suggest layers to ensure you can find your optimal body temperature during your service.

  • Private Parking

    We have a private lot for our clients. If traveling east on Highway 40, take the Vandeventer exit to Manchester Avenue. When traveling west on Manchester, make a left onto Kentucky Avenue and then make an immediate right into the alley and turn right into our lot marked 4180 Manchester Avenue.

    Street Parking

    Street/metered parking is also available. General hours of operation are Monday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Payment can be made via the Parkmobile App. Change and credit cards are accepted at pay stations and individual meters.

    Please note: Look for signage on residential streets to ensure permit not required. As a reminder: please do not leave valuables in car if parking on the street.

  • The Grove is a vibrant, eclectic neighborhood that stretches nearly a mile along Manchester Avenue between Kingshighway and Vandeventer. It hosts a diverse range of over 50 businesses offering great places to eat and drink, live music, shopping, coffee shops, a brewery, tattoo parlors and several organizations devoted to improving the vitality of the area. Plan your visit by exploring their website.

    Located in Forest Park Southeast, The Grove is walking distance from the residential neighborhood as well as the Washington University Medical Center. The Grove is a ten minute walk from the Central West End and Cortex MetroLink Stations.