Beyond Chakra
Sahasrara - The Crown Chakra
The Great Digital Detox: Everyday Practices for Healthy Living in the Digital World
Let’s face it, digital devices have become an integral part of daily life. Whether for work or for pleasure, we are bombarded with screen grabs and nonstop notifications. So how do we, the modern generation of curious individuals with a wellness-oriented mindset, stay grounded, yet connect while intentionally disconnecting?
An Introduction to the Crown Chakra
Resonating with the Element of Wind, the Crown Chakra governs the realms of spiritual connection, higher guidance, & transcendence. Known as the "center of spirit" the Crown Chakra controls our spiritual response & connection to the Divine. A center of perception & expansion, the Crown bridges our spiritual & physical selves.
An Introduction to the Third Eye Chakra
Resonating with the Element of Wind, the Third Eye Chakra governs the realms of dreaming, intuition, & intellect. Known as the “Center of the Higher Self”, the Third Eye controls our logical response & intuitive/psychic abilities. A center of inner visions, the Third Eye broadens our curiosity & strengthens our understanding of existence.
A Note from the Founder of Chakra
A note from the founder of Chakra Wellness, Cabanne Howard, about the importance of Women In Leadership within the Wellness Industry.
An Introduction to the Throat Chakra
Resonating with the Element of Water, the Throat Chakra governs the realms of communication & expression. Known as the “sound center” the Throat Chakra bridges the heart & the mind through a sharing of one’s ideas, dreams, & emotions. The Throat Chakra reminds us of the importance of being heard & understood & is the greatest energetic center for self-expression & reflection.
An Introduction to the Heart Chakra
Resonating with the Element of Water, the Heart Chakra governs the realms of emotions & affection. Known as the "love center" the Heart Chakra bridges the lower & upper chakric regions joining the desire of the heart with the intellect of the mind. A center of emotional response/experience & the epicenter of relational interaction, the Heart Chakra controls compassion & empathy.
Reflections on National Stress Awareness Month
April is National Stress Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about the effects of stress on our lives and how to manage it. As we all know, stress is a natural part of life and it is impossible to avoid it completely. However, chronic stress can have a negative impact on our mental, physical and emotional health. That's why it's essential to recognize stress and develop healthy ways to manage it, i.e. cultivate the moat of wellness in everyday life.
An Introduction to the Solar Plexus Chakra
Resonating with the Fire Element, the Solar Plexus governs ideals identity, self-worth, personal power and confidence. Known as the “manipulation energy center” the Solar Plexus wields our will/action response also known as our gut instinct. A center of boundaries and responsibility, the Solar Plexus Chakra instills courage and motivation in the human energetic system.
An Introduction to the Sacral Chakra
Resonating with the Fire Element, the Sacral Chakra governs forces of sexuality, emotional response, creativity & vitality. Known as “the pleasure center” of the human energetic system, the Sacral Chakra stokes the passions of learning, doing & discovering.
An Introduction to the Root Chakra
Resonating with the Earth Element, the Root Chakra governs forces of survival needs, stability, security, groundedness within self and upon this planet, and connection to self and to others.
A Letter from Chakra’s Director of Healing & Design
“Let’s start at the very beginning, a very good place to start” - Maria, The Sound of Music