An Introduction to the Crown Chakra

In the month of August we culminate our seven-month exploration of the Chakra System by engaging the seventh and final energy center in the human energetic field: the Crown Chakra. Also known as Sahasrara, the Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head over the coronal suture of the skull.

The Sanskrit name for the Crown Chakra is Sahasrara which translates to “thousand-petalled” representing the the full blooming of higher consciousness. The Crown is associated with spirituality, intuition, transcendence, serenity & the sacred divine.

Resonating with the element of Wind, Sahasrara governs our spiritual response and spiritual connection. It allows for conceptualization and for the use of creative through to manifest new and exciting aspects of reality. The Crown Chakra impacts our ability to connect with and communicate to higher guides and levels of non-physical reality.

Sahasrara is the energetic center through which we enter and leave the physical body and the gate with which we pass through as we expand consciousness to higher realms. The Crown Chakra is the bridge between the spiritual and physical self and connects human nature to divine intervention.

When Sahasrara is blocked or unbalanced we may feel an inability to connect with higher planes or to conceive of a reality other than our current physical one. Mental looping, obsession, and self-indulgence that disconnects us from our higher good may also denote a blocked Crown Chakra

To activate and balance the Crown Chakra, engage mindfulness practices such as divination, prayer or meditation. You may also work with gemstones including Amethyst, Selenite or Clear Quartz. We may also explore the more etheric or magckical realms of the spirituality, calling upon angels, guides and ancestors for uplift and support.

Now that you have a better understanding of the Crown Chakra, how do you activate its higher truths leading us to divine love and guidance? We’ll leave you with a few practical ways to activate and strengthen your Crown, here.

Let us know how it goes! 


Chakra Connection: August 2023


Chakra Connection: July 2023 Edition