Sound Cycles: An Evening Sound Bath In Celebration of the Lunar New Year with Dr. Aria Thomé
Saturday, February 10th from 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Led by Dr. Aria Thomé
Join Dr. Aria Thomé for an evening of celebration, retrospection and vibrational sound healing. Sound healing is a system of using sounds from various instruments, including the human voice, to heal the mind, body, and spirit. It draws on wisdom from ancient healing traditions and modalities to bring about balance and well being.
The lunar new year offers us a time to reconnect with our connection to the divine, our ancestors, and connect and joyfully celebrate with whomever we call family. The Chinese follow the animals of the zodiac, and this year, the year of the dragon is a year to usher in altruistic authority, to feel the birthright of our honor and inherent dignity, and to open our hearts to success and good fortune. In order to usher in this good fortune, homes are thoroughly cleaned and all ill fortune is swept away for the welcome of these life-giving attributes.
Is there anything in your home be it literally or the interior of your being that needs to be swept away to usher in that which is already yours?
As you contemplate, consider also the exquisite floral symbols, often of growth and hope, but in particular the audacity of plum blossom. It encapsulates the ethos of the season: the unashamed courage and relentless hope needed to bloom even when the weather is still cold, and common senses would believe otherwise. The courage to bloom to your true self, even in the midst of this tail end of winter and into the lunar moon, rests within you.