Chakra Connection: June 2023 Edition
Finding the Voice of Chakra
As we transition into the vibrant month of June, our focus turns to the Throat Chakra, the sound center nestled within our voice. We have been finding our voice as we navigate the initial months here at our urban sanctuary. Thank you to all who have passed through our doors and we look forward to welcoming those who have yet to enter. This month is rich with workshop offerings and we have just added new, regularly recurring classes, including: Monday Morning Yoga with Jess and Bi-Weekly Breathwork with Julia.
On June 10th, we are thrilled to bring what we believe is the first event of its kind: Growing Up Well, a wellness fair for youngsters, ages 3-12. Mental health and wellness concerns are on the rise and nowhere is this more prominent than among our youth. Come and engage with practitioners focused on feeling good: through mini-yoga, tarot readings, delicious sweets, henna and more.
How are you engaging with your Throat Chakra? Is it blocked? Fully open? No matter where you are on your journey, we hope you’ll join us this month on an enlightening exploration through our service offerings and social channels as we harness the power of voice & authentic self-expression.
We’re so happy you’re here and hope to see you soon.
Team Chakra
Mark Your Calendars: Growing Up Well A Youth Wellness Fair at Chakra
🗓️ Event Offerings 🗓️
🔮 Mini Tarot Readings : 11a.m. - 1p.m.
🪬 Temporary Henna Tattoos : 12p.m. - 2p.m.
🧘🏽 Youth Yoga : 11a.m. - 1p.m.
🍦 Ice Cream Truck : 12p.m. - 1p.m.
✨ so much more ✨
Experience a diverse group of wellness practitioners sharing resources for expanding consciousness & wellbeing in our youth.
To purchase tickets ($15 per family) or to learn more about Growing Up Well see our Event Ticketing Page Here.
Upcoming Events
Slow + Low Pilates with Amy Lescher
A fan favorite which takes you through mindful movements that pack a big punch. You balance, lengthen & sculpt your body while strengthening your “powerhouse” throughout this low-impact workout. For info & tickets, see our Event Page Here →
Embodied Desire Workshop with Lena
Join Sexuality Educator, Lena Peak, for an exploration of desire & attraction, bringing new metaphor to understand the expansiveness & fluidity of human sexuality. Lena showcases common social/sexual scripts & how they impact our passion-pursuits. For more info & tickets, see our Event Page Here →
Serenity In Motion: Monday Yoga with Jess
A transformative 60-MIN yoga practice where the sacred blend of movement & stillness sets the stage for a remarkable journey within. Find a fusion of yoga, Reiki, meditation, creative expression, pranayama, & beyond. For more info & tickets, see our Event Page Here →
Waiting to Exhale: Somatic Breathwork with Julia Richardson
Somatic breathwork involves conscious & intentional control of one’s breathing patterns to improve physical, mental & emotional wellbeing. Sessions include music & guided meditation techniques, including short intentional breath-holds for maximized release. For more info & tickets, see our Event Page Here →
Women In Leadership Wellness Luncheon
Sink into our urban sanctuary and enjoy a meditative sound bath followed by a relaxing lunch. Enjoy a delicious catered lunch, kombucha, seltzers & private use of space. This is the perfect way to connect & invest in stress relief, healing, relaxation and more. For more info & tickets, see our Event Page Here →
Astrology Essentials with Eric Rosen
Join Astrologer & Breathwork Facilitator, Eric Rosen, for an Astrology 101, an introduction to the basics of astrology, exploring the signs of the zodiac, planetary rulerships, aspects & the significance of the astrological houses. For more info & tickets, see our Event Page Here →
Intuitive Painting Workshop with Cindy
Join local artist, Cindy Larimore, for a morning of intuitive painting in the Chakra Healing Gardens. Attendees are invited to create an original piece of art expressing the essence of their Heart Chakra on an appropriately-themed heart-shaped canvas. For more info & tickets, see our Event Page Here →
Cultivating Compassion with Ellen Slater
Ellen teaches mindfulness tools to dismantle limiting beliefs & builds an internal dialogue that promotes growth, values based living & authentic self-expression. Her work incorporates mindfulness, mysticism & contemporary psychology. For more info & tickets, see our Event Page Here →
An Intro to Forest Bathing Workshop with Jess
Join Nature Therapist, Jess Thenhaus, in an exploration of essential practices for self-care. Jess highlights the history of Forest Bathing, physical & mental health benefits of the practice & how nature connection deepens relationship to self, others & the land.For more info & tickets, see our Event Page Here →
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Sitting With Intention
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